Movehappy Golden Visa Service
What Are The Benefits of a Golden Visa?
Unlike other visas, the golden visa allows you to live and work in Spain.
It is also very easy to bring your family to Spain with you. Your spouse, children under 18, and even parents who may be financially dependent on you are covered by this visa.
The golden visa only requires that you visit Spain at least once a year, and once granted it can be renewed.
If you do live in Spain on this visa then you will be eligible for permanent residence in Spain after 5 years.
How Do You Qualify For a Golden Visa?
The golden visa is designed for those making an investment in Spain, including purchasing a property. The property must be worth more than €500,000 and be purchased without the help of financing for you to qualify. You would also qualify if you were to purchase several properties totalling over €500,000. The property must have been purchased after 2014.
You must also be able to prove you have sufficient economic means to support yourself and any family members, who will also be applying for residency (*see below for details).
You must also have public or private health insurance giving you full coverage in Spain, covering you for the full first year as a minimum, and have a clear criminal record.
To apply for a golden visa you must be able to prove that you will have 400% of the IPREM in your bank account monthly, plus an additional 100% for each additional family member.
400% of this equates to a monthly income of at least €2,316,08 or a total of €27,792.96 annually. If there are two of you applying for the visa then this increases to 500% which equates to €2,895.10 per month, or €34,741.20 annually and so on.
If you have enough in your account to cover the year then there is no need to prove you have any kind of monthly income. You just have to prove that you have or will have enough to cover the whole year.
Supporting documents when applying for your golden visa may include bank statements, a letter of employment stating your salary, pension documents and so on.
You can find more information about the golden visa application process and what supporting documents will be required on the Consulate of Spain in London website.